

See also: inclusive bibliography, maps.

This page is a general index to all Documents, Books, Articles, Reports, Plans that are available on this site or from links here or described.

Books hosted here

Battye, J.S. 1912-13, Cyclopedia of Western Australia - poor quality text-only scan.

Battye, J.S. 1924, Western Australia: A History from its Discovery to the Inauguration of the Commonwealth, Clarendon Press, Oxford—available from Project Gutenbergor from here as a text version in the process of correction.

Berryman, Ian 1979 ed., A Colony Detailed: The First Census of Western Australia 1832, Creative Research, Perth – description only provided.

Bunbury, W. St Pierre Bunbury & W.P. Morrell eds 1930, Early Days in Western Australia: Being the Letters and Journal of Lieut. H.W. Bunbury 21st Fusiliers, OUP, London. [[../books/bunburyhenry.html|Text version here]].

[[../authors/davidsonron.html|Davidson]], Ron & Dianne Davidson 2010, [[../davidson/index.html|Fighting for Fremantle: The Fremantle Society Story]], Fremantle Society.

[[../ewers/index.html|Ewers]], John K. 1971, [[../ewers/index.html|The Western Gateway: A History of Fremantle]], Fremantle City Council, with UWAP, rev. ed. [1st ed. 1948].

[[../people/hitchcock.html|Hitchcock]], J.K. 1929, [[../hitchcock.html|The History of Fremantle]], The Front Gate of Australia 1829-1929, Fremantle City Council.

[[../people/hutchison.html|Hutchison]], David 1987, Fremantle Town Hall 1887-1987, Fremantle City Council.

[[../people/hutchison.html|Hutchison]], David, [[../fremantlewalks/index.html|Fremantle Walks]].

[[../people/irwin.html|Irwin]], Frederick Chidley 1835, The State and Position of Western Australia, London.

Mennell, Philip, 1892, The Coming Colony: Practical Notes on Western Australia, Hutchinson & Co., London—text only.

[[../people/mooregf.html|Moore, George Fletcher]] 1884, Diary of Ten Years Eventful Life of an Early Settler in Western Australia and also A descriptive vocabulary of the language of the aborigines, Walbrook, London.

[[../people/mooregf.html|Moore, George Fletcher]] 1884, A descriptive vocabulary of the language of the aboriginesonly.

Stirling, Edmund 1894, A Brief History of Western Australia: from its earliest settlement, vol. 1, Sands & McDougall, Perth.

Taylor, Robyn 1995, The Moores Project: Conservation of the Moores Complex of Buildings, City of Fremantle.

Articles and reports available here

[[../society/newsletter/index.html|Fremantle]], newsletter of the Fremantle Society, complete run from 1973-2014 (ceased publication) scanned by Garry Gillard for this website. All of these should also be available on the Society and/or Fremantle City Library websites.
(I have created a full set of PDFs of all of the newsletters and sent them to the History Librarian. He has not yet made them available. Perhaps because they are not up to the appropriate archival standard. I'm not a professional archivist, nor historian, so have no idea.
The Fremantle Society no longer has a website, so the newsletters cannot be put up on it.)

[[../fhs/newsletter/index.html|Fremantle History Society Newsletter]], complete run from 1994-date (still in publication) scanned by Pam Harris, Fremantle History Librarian, and Garry Gillard, and made available by this website. All of these should also be available on the Fremantle City Library website. The full set in the form of PDFs exists.

[[../fhs/fs/index.html|Fremantle Studies]], journal of the Fremantle History Society, complete run to 1999-date (still being published) scanned by Garry Gillard for this website. All of these should be also available on the Fremantle City Library website.

[[../earlydays/index.html|Early Days]], Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society: contents of vols 1-13.

Bates, Daisy M. 1926, 'Battle of Pinjarra: causes and consequences', The Western Mail, 5 August, p. 40.

Brownell, Thomas, Log of the 1830 voyage of the Tranby.

[[../authors/bryancyril/index.html|Bryan, Cyril]]. Articles available on this site by [[../people/bryan.html|Cyril Bryan]], who published as 'Cygnet' are indexed on [[../authors/bryancyril/index.html|this page]].

Dowson, John 2005, [[../buildings/synagogue.pdf|Fremantle: The Future is in the Past: Appreciating the Synagogue Site and its Surrounds]], privately published booklet, 22 pp. (pdf) Other Dowson publications are listed on [[../authors/dowson.html|his page]].

[[../authors/dowson.html|Dowson]], John 2019, [[../society/arthurhead.html|'Vision for Arthur Head']], Fremantle Society. Other Dowson publications are listed on [[../authors/dowson.html|his page]].

Edmonds, M.J. & K.G. Bott, J.E.V. Birch, E.S. Morris, R.McK. Campbell 1971, Preservation and Change, Fremantle City Council.

Edmonds, M.J. & K.G. Bott, J.E.V. Birch, E.S. Morris, R.McK. Campbell 1973, Changing Fremantle, Fremantle City Council.

Errington, Steve 2016, 'Places of worship in Fremantle, 1829 to 1900', in Fremantle: Empire, Faith and Conflict since 1829, Studies in Western Australian History, ed. Deborah Gare & Shane Burke, no. 31.

'Groper', 1923, 'A page from the past: ships, shops and cemeteries', Sunday Times, 27 May: 3.

Harris, Joseph 1837, 'Journey overland from King George's Sound', Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, 18 March.

Harris, Pam 2023, 'Valuing History', Fremantle Herald, 3 March.

[[../authors/hasluckpaul.html|Hasluck, Paul]] 1933, [[../earlydays/2/hasluck1.html|'Glimpses of early Perth and Fremantle, 1829-1839']], Early Days, vol. 2, part 13: 36-49. For a list of [[../authors/hasluckpaul.html|Paul Hasluck's publications]] <= see that page.

[[../people/hitchcock.html|Hitchcock articles are indexed on his own page]].

[[../people/hutchison.html|Hutchison]], David 1991, History of the Port of Fremantle with Emphasis on Victoria Quay, City of Fremantle.

[[../people/hutchison.html|Hutchison]], David 2007, 'Mystery of a headstone', Fremantle History Society Newletter, Spring.

[[../people/hutchison.html|Hutchison]], David 2009, '[[../park/history/hutchison.html|A history of Fremantle Park]]', Conservation Management Plan for Fremantle Park, City of Fremantle.

Lawrence, Carmen, 2020, Doing density differently, talk given to the Fremantle Society, 2 December 2020.

Lyon, Robert Menli [[[../people/milne.html|Robert Lyon Milne]]] 1833, ‘A glance at the manners and language of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Western Australia with a short vocabulary’, in two parts: Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, 30 March 1833: 51; and 20 April 1833: 63-4. Many of the first people's names for places above come from this source.

McGeever, Betty 2023, '‘Tis but a shadow', Fremantle Herald, 8 April, pp. 10, 12.

[[../authors/mckeough.html|McKeough]], Michelle, 2020, [[../events/plague.html|'The bubonic plague in Fremantle']], FHS occasional paper.

McPherson, Kenneth 1980, 'Future Fremantle: a personal view', Fremantle, vol. 8, no.4.

[[../people/milligan.html|Milligan]], William 1835, 'Four years' reports on the climate and diseases of the new colony of Western Australia, more especially of the Swan River district', by W. Milligan, Esq., M. D., Assistant Surgeon in His Majesty’s 63rd Regiment, extracted from the Proceedings of the Medical and Physical Society, in the Calcutta Courier, of the 14th May, Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (WA : 1833 - 1847), Saturday 5 September 1835, page 559.

Stirling, Horace 1925, 'Recollections of Perth', Western Mail, Friday 25 December 1925, p. 31.

Thorpe, Bruce, Memoirs of East Fremantle.

Tuckfield, Trevor 1971, 'Early colonial inns and taverns', Early Days: Journal and proceeedings of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society, 7, 3: 65-82; Part 2, Early Days: Journal and proceeedings of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society, 7, 7: 98-106.

Tutton, Matthew 2003, 'Engineering geology of Fremantle Harbour (an historical perspective)', Australian Geomechanics Symposium in Print.

Webster, Philip 1885, 'At last she moves', West Australian, 11 May, 1885, p. 3.

Wright, Tim 2020, [[../streets/arundel.pdf|'Just another little street in Freo: Arundel Street from 1844 to 2020']], FHS, 23 August.

Plans available here

Arthur Head Project, The, Fremantle City Council, 1983.

Convict Walk, 2000.

Convict Trail, City of Fremantle.

Fremantle Hospital, (part of?) Development and Land Use Policy Manual, 1988 (pdf).

Hilton plan, 2002, by Agnieshka Kiera

Town Hall Conservation plan, 2004.

Railway Station submission, 2005.

Slipways Conservation plan, 2005.

Local Identity & Design Code: Central Fremantle, City of Fremantle, 2009.


Pioneer Park plan, 2009.

Warders Cottages reports, 2013.

Books available elsewhere

... available from links here - or described or excerpted here

Aussiana Books (John Dowson)

Aveling, Marion ed. 1979, Westralian Voices, UWAP—contents only.

Bradshaw, W. S. 1857, Voyages to India, China, and America, with an account of The Swan River Settlement, Hope, London.

Brown, Patricia M. 1996, The Merchant Princes of Fremantle: The Rise and Decline of a Colonial Elite 1870-1900, UWAP.

Campbell, Robin McKellar 2010, Building the Fremantle Convict Establishment, PhD, UWA (Faculty of Architecture). Available online to download (not from this site) as a 40MB PDF. (Later revised and published as a book with the title Henderson & Coy, Architecture, UWA, 2017.)

Census of Western Australia 1837, copied from Colonial Secretary's Office Inward Correspondence Vol. 58, by staff of the Battye Library, 1973.

Cross, Joseph ed. 1833, Journals of Several Expeditions Made in Western Australia during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, and 1832, J. Cross, Holborn. Available in Wikisource, as well as Gutenberg.

Erickson, Rica ed. 1987, 1988, Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians, 4 vols, UWAP.

Forrest, John 1875, Explorations in Australia, available from Gutenberg.

Fox, Charlie, Alexis Vassiley, Bobbie Oliver & Lenore Layman 2019, Radical Perth Militant Fremantle, Interventions, Melbourne—contents only.

Gregory, Jenny & Jan Gothard eds 2009, Historical Encyclopedia of Western Australia, UWAP.

[[../people/greygeorge.html|Grey, George]], 1841, Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery, Boone, London; made available by Project Gutenberg.

Kimberly, Warren Bert 1897, History of West Australia: A Narrative of Her Past together with Biographies of Her Leading Men, Niven, Melbourne. Available online from Wikisource. Contents available on this site.

Longley, Paul Arthur & Geoffrey Bolton 2012, Voices from the West End: Stories, People and Events that Shaped Fremantle, WA Museum.

Ogle, Nathaniel 1839, The Colony of Western Australia: A Manual for Emigrants to that Settlement or its Dependencies, James Fraser, London.

[[../authors/silberteric.html|Silbert, Eric]] 1981, Dinkum Mishpochah, Artlook Books, Perth—short excerpt only here.

Stannage, Tom 1981 ed., A New History of Western Australia, UWAP—contents only here.

Webb, David & David Warren 2005, Fremantle: Beyond the Round House, Longley, Fremantle—contents only here.

Wilson, Thomas Braidwood 1835, Narrative of a Journey round the World, London.

Articles and reports available elsewhere

The Streets of Freo maintains an archive of many works.

This section of this bibliography will list the publications in that collection (which in 2022 was stored in the strongroom of the former National Bank at 16 High Street).

The Architect nd, 26, 2.

Bosworth, Michal 1996, Timber Houses in Fremantle Western Australia, np, 29 pp.

Broomfield, Warwick 1995, 93-95 High Street Fremantle Conservation Plan, Building Management Authority, 154 pp.

Building Management Authority 1994, Former Customs House, Preliminary Conservation Plan (Draft), Dept of the Arts, November, 77 pp.

Building Management Authority 1995, Samson House: Cottage and 'Stables', WA Museum, July, 167 pp.

Campbell, R. McK. 1980, Town Planning Scheme no. 3: Heritage History and Architecture, City of Fremantle, 65 pp,

Centre for Urban Research, School of Architecture UWA 1989, Social and Physical Impact Investigation of UNDS in Fremantle, 23 pp.

City of Fremantle 1996, Timber Houses Manual, 12 September, 303 pp.

City of Fremantle nd, History of Hilton, 25 pp.

City of Fremantle 2000, Municipal Heritage Inventory, 215 pp. Includes the 'City of Fremantle thematic historical framework', 1995.

Debby Cramer Research Services 1987, Historical Investigation of Painted Decoration Fremantle Town Hall: Report of Finding, May, 67 pp.

Dawkins, Jeremy 1987, Sixteen Years of Preservation and Change 1971-1986, City of Fremantle, 26 pp.

Grassadonia, Silvana 1986, 'Nineteenth century limestone walls and steps in Fremantle', City of Fremantle, August, 44 pp.

Fremantle Society 1997, 'Fremantle 6160: the celebratory exhibition catalogue', October.

Fremantle Society [John Dowson] 2000, Twentieth Century Immigration through Fremantle.

Fremantle Society 2000, '[[../society/newsletter/2000Special.html|Special Edition newsletter]]'.

Hedgock, David et al. nd, The Development of Western Australian Country Towns and Suburbs 1880-1990, wall chart, Royal Aust Inst Architects.

Heritage and Conservation Professionals 2002, Municipal Inventory Review: Report on the Review of the West End Conservation Area, October, 72 pp.

HJM Consultants et al. nd, Fremantle: An appraisal of significance, 43 pp.

Hoare, Ralph, Gerry MacGill, Agnieshka Kiera, 1990, Fremantle Prison: Conservation and Future Use, Building Management Authority.

Jacks, Wayne 1992, Timber Houses in the Fremantle District, np, 99 pp.

Kent, Jack, Agnieshka Kiera & Jeremy Dawkins 1988, The Moores Buildings: A Conservation Project, City of Fremantle, 87pp.

No author nd, 'Identifying Australian houses', 12 pp.

No author nd, 'Shopfronts and fronts at High Street: recording and assessment High Street north and south side', 46 pp. incl. photos

Technic 10 nd, Inner Urban Housing Study, 146 pp.

National Trust of Australia (WA) 1995, 'Recycling heritage buildings', Trust News, 190, July, 20 pp.


Dawkins, Jeremy 1990, 'Fremantle's heartland: understanding and designing a special place', Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture, Vol. 3, No. 1: Space * Meaning * Politics.

[[../authors/kieraagnieshka.html|Kiera]], Agnieshka 2011, 'The local identity and design code as tool of urban conservation, a core component of sustainable urban development – the case of Fremantle, Western Australia', City & Time, 5 (1): 2.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 27 May, 2016 and hosted at (it was last updated on 8 March, 2024), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.