
Ann Leighton

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Ann Leighton (1842–1932) was, for 14 (or 24[1]) years before 1922, the Crossing Keeper of the railway crossing on the Perth side of the original North Fremantle Railway Station.[2] Over time it came to be known as Leighton's Crossing — after her, not her husband John, who was a railway ganger. The station (which no longer exists), beach, and the locality also acquired the same name.

Note: a crossing keeper is to be distinguished from a crossing sweeper.

The West Australian, 29 June 1932:[3]


The Late Mrs. Ann Leighton

The funeral of the late Mrs. Ann Leighton, of 20 Ainslie-Road, North Fremantle, took place in the Congregational portion of the Karra- katta Cemetery, yesterday afternoon. The Rev. C. F. Argyll Saxby, assisted by Commandant C. F. Hasluck, officiated at the graveside, in the presence of a large gathering.

Mrs. Leighton, who was born at Manchester, England, in 1842, died on Sunday last in her 90th year. She came to Western Australia in the sailing ship Amelia Mitchell with her parents in 1859. On arrival she resided at Perth for nine years with Mrs. Shenton, wife of Captain Shenton, who was drowned when the Georgette was lost. In 1868 she married the late Mr. John Leighton, who died in 1914. From 1881 to 1885 she was gatekeeper at Leighton's Crossing, which place now bears her name. For the last 51 years she resided at North Fremantle. Mrs. Leighton was of quiet disposition and was highly respected. She has left one son, two daughters (one of whom, Mrs. A. S. Craig, now resides in Sydney), 15 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. The chief mourners were Mrs. A. Kelly (daughter), Mr. J. C. Leighton (son), Mrs. J. C. Leighton (daughter-in-law), Mr. A. Kelly (son-in-law). Mesdames W. Boyd, S. A. Jones, and S. Compton (sisters-in-law); Mr. W. Boyd (brother-in-law), Mesdames F. A. Idle, T. Welsh- man, L. Brown and E. Kelly, Misses Ena Kelly, Hilda, Rita and Olive Leighton and Jessie Rob- inson, and Messrs. E. Kelly, Jack Leighton, Reg- inald Robinson, F. A. Idle, T. Welshman and L. Brown (grandchildren), Mesdames Knight, W. Boyd, M. Dawson and Cranston (nieces); Mesdames R. Denton, C. Knight and Cranston (grand nieces); and Messrs. C. Knight and W. Boyd (grand nephews).

The pall-bearers were the Mayor of North Fremantle (Mr. R. Bracks), Commandant E. M. Hasluck, Cr. A. Turton, Messrs. P. A. Craymer, J. W. Manning, D. Hevron, G. F. Dedman and John Crows, Among those present were Messrs. G. Fraser. M.L.C.; W. J. Brown, F. W. Moore, G. Reeves, E. Howson, O. Kearsley, W. F. and J. Robinson, W. J. Stewart, W. Rus- sell, A. Tennant, H. A. Herbert, W. P. Nunn, L. K. Pearse, J. and G. King. M. Abrahams, T. Penaluna, F. A. Scott, W. Moore. D. McFall, G. Thornycroft. W. J. Sanderson, G, Fruin, A. Elsegood, J. McCabe, W. and K. Mellows, F. Techow, A. White, R. Allen, A. Ryan, R. Stables, J. Hawkins, J. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. N. Cameron, Sir. and Mrs. W. Preece, Mr. and Mrs. Houlahan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawes, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nugent, Mesdames P. Bullmore, W. Craig, G. Fraser, Lvnch, E. Rowland, R. A. Williams, J. Manning, Lewis, Murray, I. Hearn, D. Lar- son, P. A. Cravmer, T. McKenna, and L. Techow, and Misses R. McKenna, G. Manning, E. Shields, Murray and Fraser. Numerous floral tributes were placed on the grave, and widespread ex- pressions of sympathy have been extended to the bereaved relatives.

The funeral arrangemenes were in the hands of Arthur E. Davies and Company.

References and links

  1. Leighton Rail Marshalling Yard, by Delphine Jamet.
  2. Leighton (1), Signalling Interest Group of WA, citing the July 1961 edition of the Railway Institute Magazine.
  3. FUNERALS. (1932, June 29). The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved October 13, 2024, from

This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 19 June, 2023 and hosted at (it was last updated on 22 October, 2023), and has been edited since it was imported here (see page history). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.