
4 Bannister Street

  1. Bannister Street
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Fremantle Society submission re mixed-use development in 2008


2008 (29 January?)
Dr Ian Alexander, President, Fremantle Society, PO Box 828, Fremantle WA 6160.
Five Storey Mixed Use Development, 4 Bannister Street Fremantle. DA 544/07.
Renee Zuks

The proposed development is out of scale and character with its surrounds and does not conform with desirable design outcomes for the City’s historic West End.

The post-modern façade of the building pays no respect to its architectural or heritage context, and is out of character with its adjacent neighbours on the north side of Bannister Street.

The proposed building is considerably higher than either of its neighbours, exceeding the height of its Bannister St neighbours by 15m on the eastern side and 9m on its western side. Despite the building proposing some setbacks at the upper levels, which will limit visibility from street level, the scale difference will still have the effect of diminishing the value and amenity of the neighbouring buildings.

The building, if approved as submitted, will be at the maximum height levels allowed under the City’s recently-adopted LPS4. However LPS4 also requires that “(a) that the proposal is consistent with predominant, height patterns of adjoining properties and the locality generally, (b) the proposal would not be detrimental to the amenity of adjoining properties or the locality.”

The proposal before Council for 4 Bannister Street breaches both of these requirements. Hence the fifth level should not be allowed. This would have the effect of lessening its impact on the amenity of surrounding properties and also making it more consistent with their predominant height. This is in line with desired conservation outcomes for the City’s historic West End.